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Post Spore: Part 2

Ok, tanpa melengah2kan mase, i sambung blk cte about my SG trip. After menghiburkan diri kt uni studio. kitorang pi check in kt backpackers inn, chinatown. Just 2 mrt station je from harbourfront. My fren n i dpt bilik lain2...i duk female room 4 person n my friend female room 8 person. Level pon lain2. My personal opinion, ok la nk overnight kt hostel ni for 1 or 2 night. Even, it's quite small, but it's clean. Tp xdela tido tilam spring kan. Tapi still selesa. Bilik ade aircond, bantal 2 bijik, blanket, towel 1, locker 1 ade pc disediakan utk online. But sometimes maybe quite noisy. Malam 2 just jalan2 kt chinatown bli souvenir huhu

Bangun je pagi kitorang terus check out, tapi still simpan beg kt hostel. Dalam kul 10, terus kuar naik mrt to st. raffles place. Turun je kt situ jln2 Collyer Quay. Ade byk bridge ala2 thames (bul ke eja ahahha) river kt london 2 and ade patung2 orang ala2 yg ade kt europe. Jalan sampaila merlion park. Ade 2 merlion kt situ, yang kecik n yang paling besar kt spore. Adela 1 jam kt situ, take pics mcm2 posing ahhaha...leh nmpk marina sand bay, esplanade, flloating museum, spore flyer and yg best skalik leh nampak view maybank tower..tinggi giler..yes, malaysia boleh..

After that, kitorang jalan sampai city hall mrt st. n terus p orchard road. Along the road, singgah jap tangkap 2,3 gambo ngan raffles statue. Ha, and singgah 7eleven bli roti n air as breakfast. lapar gle kot, da la jln jauh gle..panas plak 2...sunburn trus muke.

Sampai je orchard road, kitorang masuk 1 mall je ION mall. tu pon jalan2 je..nk masuk kedai pon takut, sume designers brand n branded item..tak mampu den huhu...pastu kitorg kuar mall, jalan all the way orchard road. Xmasuk pon mane2 mall..just jalan luar menikmati kesibukan orchard n tgk mall dari luar sambil menelan air liur sebab xmampu nk bli ahhaha....

Pastu kitorg makan aiskrim yg ade jual merata2 kat situ, igt nk bli, alih2 kt gerai aiskrim ade org wat survey ape ntah, so kitorg isi form survey n dapat mkn aiskrim free, jimat duit lg eheheh..duduk jap sambil merehatkan kaki and menikmati aiskrim pastu jalan sampai dhoby ghaut st. nk balik hostel balik. Ha singgah jap istana park tangkap gambo.

Adoi,kaki sakit Tuhan je yang tau huhu, cuci muke sume, amek beg kitorg p bugis st. nk mkn murtabak panas zam zam yg konon2 glamer kt arab street. Kitorang order murtabak tuna n mee goreng. Mee goreng die colour merah menyala tp sedap..lain la rase compared to mee goreng mamak kt msia ni. And then, the best part happen. Jeng...jeng...jeng...

Igt nk singgah bugis village or bugis junction nk tgk2 ape ade...tp tersinggah plak kt kedai kain ela kt arab street 2...Ingat nk bli chiffon utk diri sindrik je, last2 kan borong dkat 20 pasang kain ela nk jual. ahhahaha..macam ntah pape je wani si penjual kain (ni akmam bg name kt i) I bli kain chiffon 10 helai,5 egyption cotton and 3 songket nk jual. Alhamdulliah, at da moment tulis blog ni ade lg 5 pasang je blum dijual. kene usaha lagi ni sampai terjual semua. 

Lame gak la stay kat kedai kain sampai hari gelap n hujan la..da la kitorg hand luggage je. My fren n i bawakla beg plastik besar sorg satu terkontang kanting ahhahah...nasib baikla owner kedai 2 bermurah hati anta kitorang smpi mrt st..Sampai je kat airport, cepat2 cari troli, letak beg plastik n bagback yg gedabak besar. rase hilang beban kt bahu adoi...

Kitorang tuggu check in, smbl tgk2 gambo n merehatkan kaki. sakit gle kaki jalan 2 hari non stop.. Naik je flight trus tdo samapi land kt lcct. Amin. End of story dah...leh cte bende lain plak ehheheh

P/S: Pics akan diupload setelah i pandai guna picasa or photoshop ahahaha

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Post Spore: Part 1

Hari ke-5 blk from SG baru la ade mood nk update..lame gak ni i cari feel for writing eheh...Ok la, before i membebel panjang2, so just straight to the point.

Night before pi SG, i tido umah my fren kat damansara, from sane kitorg drive, park keta kat lcct..almaklumla xde driver,kne la drive sindrik pagi2 buta plak tu, sbb flight kul 6 pg kan...tp okla, parking kt lcct for two days just RM73, much more cheaper than klia.

Sampai Changi around 7.15 pg camtu. Sebab awal gile kitorang sampai..sempatla online di pc yg disediakan, pastu jln2 tgk kedai n last skali breakfast. Changi airport pada i even xla secantik klia (ye la sbb airport agak lame kan) tp facilities sgt bagus. Contohnye ade byk pc disediakan utk online. So, dapatlah i update status fb ehehhe. Pastu ade water cooler di byk tempat leh refill air kosong free. Jimat duit lagi. Washroom pon bersih and cantik.

Kitorg breakfast roti bakar, telur separuh masak n tea sbb tu je set breakfast yang murah, SGD4.20. Setelah perut pon kenyang, kitorg naik mrt from Changi straight p harbourtown st. SGD1.90 je. From there, masuk vivo city,level 3, naik sentosa express to go to sentosa island. SGD3 return. Mula2 kan i igt sentosa island ni kecik je, ade 1 stop je, rupe2nye ade 3 stop. Nak p Universal Studio turun kt 1st stop Waterfront st.

Kitorg kan konon2 backpackers, so da sampai kt luar uni studio 2,kne la smpn beg yg gedabak tu dlm locker. (mahal kot, big locker SGD20 per day). Tapi simpan gak la sbb xde choice. After amek pics sket kt luar, kitorg masuk dlm n start bermain2. Kalu nk tulis sume attractions mmg 5 pages pon xabes kan. So kalu nk tau ape yg ade kat sane, leh la google sindrik universal studio singapore. So far, overall, worth la bayar RM172 kan, tp ade lagi ride yg still in construction or close for maintenance. And sbb kitorg p weekend, so queue panjang gile, ade some ride tu queue smpi 1 jam, main 30 saat je. Yang best, Shrek 4-D adventure, n Steven Spielberg studio. Pastu bykla character hollywood yg i take pics with  mcm charlie chaplin, betty boops, marilyn monroe n etc yg i pon xsure name diorg...(Sile refer to pics yg akan diupload utk evaluate sindrik ke'best'an uni studio). After penat main n take pics, last skali kitorg mkn fish burger kt Mel's Drive In at Hollywood area. Last skali b4 blk, shopping souvenir kt uni studio store. Ha, lupe plak nk mention, every purchase ticket kan, dapat coupon SGD5 for food and SGD5 for retail purchase and leh redeem kt mane2 kedai dlm uni studio.

Mula2 igt after uni studio nk singgah la mane2 attractions lain kt sentosa island, tp xsempat..keluar from uni studio pon da dekat kul 7,pastu singgah hard rock hotel kt c2 gak sbb nk bli souvenir. After that, trus amek beg, queue naik sentosa express, pastu naik mrt p chinatown, hostel backpackers inn.

Mcm da pjg sgt i tulis kan..sambung for the next post.

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My 1st blog: Pre Spore

Wah3...sgt excited mau tulis my 1st blog..smpi byk sgt bende dlm kepale ni..xtau nk start dr mane..kne wat intro ke?..eermm..cmne ek mau start...

Bismillah...actually plan nk tulis blog psl travel n food place ni sudah lame...slalu cte kt my cousins, close frens nk tulis blog..tp xpenahnye stat..ade je alasan..xde mase la..ape la...kompem sume igt i ni 'warm warm chicken shit' ahahhaha...

So, 4 a start i mau tulis pasal pre-holiday to Spore. InsyaAllah akan berangkat ke Kota Singa naik Air Asia pada 5 Nov 2010,jam 6.05 pg n akan tiba balik di LCCT pada 7 Nov 2010, jam 12.35 pg. Sgt skema ayat i ahahha..tukar mode normal blk.

Holiday ni xplan pon..buhsan2 duk ofis xde keje browse website air asia n nmpk promo air asia p spore...So, i text my frens sape2 yg leh join..n sorg my close fren di company lame dulu nk ikut...Kitorg 2 org je...tiket return RM202. Okla kan xde la mahal sgt...Pastu booking online tiket universal studio...yahoo sgtla best...tiket bile tukar ringgit malaysia dlm RM172 per person..

Ha pastu accomodation pon booking online gak..thanx to hostelworld.com yg membuatkan idup i jd sgt mudah...kitorg book hostel kt area chinatown dlm RM56 sorg..dorm la tp n sharing bathroom..tp tgk review,not bad...so nnt da smpi br leh komen byk. Basically now nk holiday sgt sng..sume leh book online xyahle risau..Yg plg penting, i da print n kaji mrt system kt spore n da plan tmpt mane nk p for that 2 days...siap da cek ticket price ikut route mane nk p...So, sng leh wat bajet...dlm SGD15 je kot total expenses for transportation. Thanx to 2 of my frens gak yg sudi bg pnjm kad mrt korg..nnt i tinggal topup je..

Persiapan yg lain2  mcm biase la, backpack 1, tukar duit agak2 cukup, bwk baju yg bersesuaian, pasport (sgt penting tgk expired date,i da kne dlu mase p jakarta,sib baik abg imigresen indon baik2 eheh), n bwkla food utk kunyah2 di waktu lapar klu nk save duit 4 food.

Last but not least, i hope holiday ni akan jd sgt best, and i akan update what happens in Spore n akan upload pics byk2...C ya..

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